Thursday, April 27, 2006

The Sims 2, which i was forced to buy, may be the best thing i have ever played.

I really should not have bought it, because now i will not be able to stop playing it...i have Kerry to blame.

Monday, April 24, 2006


'Pfft... well you just lost any chance *you* ever had of getting near
this fine, fine booty...a booty you could break an egg on!... '

What the fug is with that?

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Angels in America

This is one long watch, infact it's two long watches. It's so long that it doesn't fit onto one disc, it's two separate 3 hour pieces. I cannot express enough how important it is that everyone see this, it says so much about America in the mid 80s, so much about the political climate, the social culture, it comments on belief systems, the American health care system, civil rights, repression, gay rights, the AIDS epidemic that claimed so many lives.

I watched it in one day, almost in one sitting. It has some unconventional ideas on the nature of god, angels and heaven. It has some wonderful acting from a superb cast, Meryl Streep and Emma Thompson both gave many great performances.

I guess it's rare to find something that portrays emotions you can actually believe but this does, you care about the obviously flawed characters which is the beauty of this film, it provokes emotion for characters who are far from perfect.
Mary-Louise Parker's portrail of the valium addicted Harper Pitt was simply astonishing. I found myself willing her through her illusions, wishing that she could find the peace that she wanted in Antartica.

Before watching this i had questioned if something this long would be able to hold my attention, it did. I now wish that i had the chance to see the theatre production.

Sunday, April 16, 2006

My little queer rant

There's a very good point in here.
Something to think about i guess, but why do gay men feel attracted to straight guys like that? Maybe it is wanting what we're never going to be able to have. I mean it might be compared to the straight man's fantasy of pulling a lesbian, who knows.

I guess all gay guys are guilty of it, but should we be?
Ragan Fox had something about this in one of his podcasts last week, it made me think, but i didn't dwell on it until i found that article from Scott-o-Rama. Ragan basically said that a gay guy shouldn't actively go out and date only 'straight-acting' gay men because it actively promotes the idea of the femme/queer gay guy as a second class citizen. Regan said that people should 'own their gayness' which is something i completely agree with, a gay guy shouldn't feel pressurised into trying to live up to this wholly unrealistic image of the 100% straight gay man.

Is this attraction to straight guys healthy for the self-esteem and confidence of the gay community? Is it simply another way for us to point out our own flaws? Another way for us to highlight ourselves as a minority group, as an under-represented group. We obviously don't need to aspire to some straight fantasy, so why can't we just let go of the fantasy 'straight acting' boy-friend and go out and grab ourselves a queer!

I'm rambling now, so ignore me, just read the article and think about it.

Janis gets sacked.

Yesterday in work was one of the most bizarre days in Subway history. I went in expecting a relatively easy day, busy but easy. All was going wonderfully until 3 o'clock came, Janis (cousin of Inga) was completely pissed when he showed up for his shift. As funny as this was he could not work, he was quite rude. The drunken idiot is now no longer part of the happy subway family...

In spite of all that it was actually one of the funnest days i've had in work for a long long time, it helped that i was working with Mark and Gerard. Today was busy, but nothing i couldn't handle.

Tomorrow I've got the house all to myself because the rest of the family Anderson are off to Portrush...the poor bastards. I'll have a ball, i've invited Jenny, Neil, Lauren and Kerry down to mine. Pizza and DVDs are in order!

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Lazy day

Well i'm getting impatient. Why does it take so long to ship some DVDs from California to Belfast.
Let me clarify, i ordered an animé series (yami no matsuei) from one of the amazon sellers and it's taking an age to get here. and i really really wanna watch it now.

Well i've pleanty to watch before that gets here, i've still got the Loveless torrent the finished sometime before i went to Wales, and i'm still only on episode 6.

My day today has been incredibly lazy, Kerry informs me that it has been somewhat productive, but i tend to disagree. I've listened to a load of podcasts that i missed, i've uploaded some photos to my MSN space (note to you all, go and look) i've written a reference for darling Jennifer and i've replied to i don't know how many e-mails!
Speaking of e-mails for some reason hotmail will not let me attach an MP3 to an e-mail i'm trying to send, it's pissing me off. Maybe it's the LiveMail that i'm beta testing, but i'm getting annoyed!

Now tomorrow will be an interesting day, i'm going for lunch with Lisa. I hope foo kin know we're coming, because we will eat everything they have.

Neil claims to hate Picard. I don't even know what to say to him right now...

Friday, April 07, 2006

Guess who's going back to London...

Oh yes that's right, I am! Jenny and I are heading back to everyone's favorite city.
And why are we going back?

Thursday, April 06, 2006

I was in Wales...

...and it was heaven. The weather was perfect, the alcohol was perfect, everything was so much fun.
Monday me Owain, Gwyneth and Gez went to the cinema to see inside man (you should see this just to see how fantastically bitchy Jodie Foster is.) Then we went to the Plough for drinks (note to self, next time ease up on the guinness just a little) after that we stumbled around Gwyneth's house looking for the fuse box.

Tuesday Owain and I went to Chester then bowling that night.

Owain's friends are great, Gez in particular is rather wonderful... ... ...

Hopefully Owain'll be coming over during the summer sometime, maybe not over the 12th.
Sadly i didn't take any photos, because well i forgot, there was one signpost i wanted to take a picture of, it was for a place called Cwm. How do you think that's pronounced.

Sunday, April 02, 2006

Well my torrents are coming along well. Gen X finished the other day. Naturally i've been reading it quite rapidly, i'm only at #15 of 75. So i guess we all know what i'll be doing with my easter holidays lol. My Loveless torrent is at 97.1% at the minuite, and will be finished by the time i've had my bath, i doubt i'll get a chance to load it onto my ipod before i go tomorrow, but i should do that at some stage. And i will completely lend it to everyone

I go to Wales tomorrow to visit Owain, i'll prob buy a lot of shit i don't need/can't afford. It'll be fun, might take some photos to post up, dunno if i can be bothered bringing the camera!?